I haven’t posted in quite a long time on any social media due to quite a few hindrances as of late which have been monopolizing my energies, both physical and emotional. I have a few things I want to announce, so I hope this message finds everyone who sees it well, whether we speak frequently or once a year – If you’re on my friends list here, then I hope you take the time to enjoy some of the things that I have to share and also understand that I do my best to keep up, but it has been extremely difficult lately. This isn’t about excuses, but about moving forward and learning to evolve into a better and more impressive self that was once upon a time.

I’m so thankful that I have wonderful people in my life to count on for unwavering love and support.

Current Events in the Middle East

In addition to health, work, etc., there’s the matter of Israel and the situation in the Middle East which strikes my heart very sharply. If you don’t know much of me, you should probably know that I have very close ties to family and friends in Israel and Egypt, so seeing non-stop propaganda, antisemitism around this country and all over the world calling for intifada and the extermination of my people, is incredibly eye-opening to see how unbelievably disappointing this world’s state is right now. Less than 80 years after my grandparents escaped a world plagued by pogroms which I’m beginning to see again; I’m seeing my people being trapped inside university libraries being attacked by Hamas supporters (fun fact: Hamas in Hebrew (חמס) means violence, injustice, and cruelty). An appropriate name for a terrorist organization holding innocent people hostage, raping, and dismembering fellow humans. This isn’t about group favoritism or bias opinions; I grew up with some of my best friends being Palestinian and this is unbelievable to see how people are so brainwashed at a young age by being taught by their elders how to treat people despite by those who have little to no affiliation with the region or insight as to what the history entails or of the lives of those who are directly impacted by the actions of political figures or organizations such as Hamas or Taliban. Take your pick – They don’t speak for the everyone on either side of the conflict. As for gays supporting them – I find that just unbelievable even further. You realize that anyone in the spectrum is not tolerated by them and would result in torture and or death, yes? This type of organization is actually being supported in the modern age… this is more than a bit disappointing, humanity. What a shameful chapter this will be in history.

I am a lover of culture, a xenophile, sustainability, and have a passion for Persian and Hebrew calligraphy, music of the Mizrakh and the beauty of the Middle East is unmatched and can never be replaced – It’s a place of love and beauty being torn apart by fools. If anyone supports such violence, teaches hatred to their children that it’s acceptable to partake in such vial acts, then wow… This world. I feel sorry for the future generations that must live with the results of such sadness based on those that no-one ever had the privilege of being around for to see its origin over 5000 years ago. If you’re reading this, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, or Wiccan, reach out to your Jewish and Israeli loved ones – It’s difficult to be alone in this world. It’s difficult to be away from the ones you love not knowing if their being held in a bomb shelter as the buildings crumble, or if the streets of our ancestors walked are being filled with the blood of the ones we love, admire, and miss. Things are incredibly difficult regardless of the distance we are – We’re Skittles; All unique flavors under one name – Yehudim. I am a proud speaker of my ancestral languages and our languages of our neighbors – I truly hope that despite everything, we can find common ground in our celebrations, food, music, lifelong friendships, and even in our painful struggles. No one will ever be perfect, but if no one advocates for peace over violent, then where are you going to be remembered in history? The ones harassing a group simply trying to exist or those favoring transcultural communication and growth for our future as humans?

How I’m Doing

There are days where I am barely able to keep myself together, but I do my best to continue onwards. Thankfully, the friends and family I have in the region are safe, but I cannot help but notice things intensifying resulting in attacks further and further towards the areas where I call home. Israel is, and always will be, my soul’s home. The home of my ancestors, and the dream to see this world embraced in peace. Perhaps not in my lifetime, it seems, but I will do my best to continue onwards as I have until now, though there are times that I won’t reply, be present, because I cannot keep up with everything. It doesn’t mean I don’t want to be included, or that I don’t care; It’s the opposite, I care so much I little can’t keep up and my body literally cannot keep up with all the things I wish to accomplish. From continuing studies towards a degree in the springtime to trying to just keep everyone up to date – It isn’t easy, but I care very much, and if you’re on my list here, then I appreciate your time to read this. To counter all of this craziness, spending time outdoors and simply existing without external interruption is one of the most energizing things one can do, I feel.

It’s the least I can do to give back to this world to provide some insight as to my specializations and pleasures in life. I will be allocating quite a bit more time and energy to this site as a clearinghouse for the topics outlined in the menu options. Please be patient as the content is added – I have a lot to say about each component and I’d like to provide a quality product at the end, so I hope you enjoy and savor, leave feedback, and enjoy life for a few moments without angst or upset. Enjoy the photo gallery, my browse my Instagram at some of the highlighted destinations I’ll be posting more on, etc… Have a wonderful day wherever you may be!

הודעה קתנה בעברית על כמה דברים בחיי

שלום לכולם ושיהיה לכם סופ״ש נעים. אני מקווה שההודעה הזאת מוצאת אותכם בשלום ושלווה אם אתם בארץ או במקום אחר. עכשיו אני מתמקד לעים קרובות יותר כדי אוכל לדד בדברים חשובים ולגדל את השורשים בין כל היודים על העולם – זאת השפה המרכזית שלנו אחרי הכל ואני רוצה לומר לכל חבריי הישראלים והיהודים תודה על שהקדשת מזמנך לקרוא את הפוסטים שלי ואני מקווה שאוכל לסמוך על תמיכתכם ככל שנע־ונאדניק יגדל. אם ה”ש ירצה אתמוך ולטפח מרחב בריא ורגוי לכל האנשים ליהנות, ובשורשיו, ממרחב ובית יהודי בטוח, נקודת ציון ומקור השראה. אני אפרסם עוד פוסטים בעברית כדי שאוכל להתחבר יותר לתרבות שאני הכי מזהה ואוהב ולכל מי שארצה לחזור אליו בקרוב בישראל. שלום לכולם ויום רבעי עד שבת שמח.

از همه کسانی که با عینیت و عشق به دنیا می‌نگرند خیلی متشکرم

ما همه خانواده هستیم می‌دانم که من تنها کسی نیستم

که این را می‌بینم. خدا نگهدار شما باشد

א ידיעה פאר אילע די אידיש־רעדערס וואס באזוכן נע־ונדניק און אידיש צענטראל

שלום עליען מיינע טייערע אידיש לערערס און רעדערס. כ’וואונטש אז איר אלע זייט באַהיט און באשירעמט. ס’איז געווען א לאנגער צייט זינט כ’האב געשרייבט אויף אידיש אבער כ’מוז בטח זאגן אויף אידיש אז ס’איז אזוי טשיקאווע צו זען דער וועלט דורך א אידישער אויספונק; ס’איז אזוי זיכרונות פון דער פארגאנגענהייט קומען פון די קולי אבותי און כ’פיל מיך אזוי שטאלץ צו זיין א איד און א טייל פון א שבט מענטשן וואס וועלן איבערלעבן נאך א מאל און ארויסקומען נאך א מאל.

שלום עליען מיינע טייערע אידיש לערערס און רעדערס. כ’וואונטש אז איר אלע זייט באַהיט און באשירעמט. ס’איז געווען א לאנגער צייט זינט כ’האב געשרייבט אויף אידיש אבער כ’מוז בטח זאגן אויף אידיש אז ס’איז אזוי טשיקאווע צו זען דער וועלט דורך א אידישער אויספונק; ס’איז אזוי זיכרונות פון דער פארגאנגענהייט קומען פון די קולי אבותי און כ’פיל מיך אזוי שטאלץ צו זיין א איד און א טייל פון א שבט מענטשן וואס וועלן איבערלעבן נאך א מאל און ארויסקומען נאך א מאל.

כ’וואונטש איר אלע א שיינער וואך, גוטן און זיכערן שבת און א דאנק פאר לייענען דעם בריוועלע. פאר אזוי גוט און באזוכט מיך פאר דערהיינטיקןנגען אויף פייסבוך, אינסטאגראם, און מער צו קומען אויף מיין בלאט “אידיש צענטראל” דערעיקרשט פאר דער אידישע שפראך

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